BL-G has an overall over 90% cure rate that has been proved by many authorized hospitals with long-term clinical application and observation. It can simulate 8 traditional treating methods in Chinese medicine: acupuncture, massage, knocking, chirapsia, baguan, qigong, beating and kneading. It can effect on the acupuncture points directly through the current synthesized by microcomputer. It can regulate the disordered biological magnetic field by the electrical stimulation formed according to the twisted Qi in Chinese medicine to strengthen the circulation of Qi and blood and improve the visceral ability of blood and oxygen supply. It can also repair the tissue lesions, restore the body vitality, promote the circulation of blood and dredge the channels and collaterals, balance the yin and yang, nourish the muscles and bones, smoothen the joints and contact the internal organs and exterior at the same time. |